Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lo que él me ha dado/What he has given me: Dictado Por El Señor Jesús/Dictated by the Lord

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Has there ever been a time in your life in which you have heard that little voice inside your head or your heart that is telling you something? Well I have, and I listened which is why I was able to write these spiritual and inspirational poems dictated by God. These poems were not written just to console me during my difficult times, but for others as well.
¿Alguna vez ha habido un tiempo en su vida en el que oyó esa pequeña voz dentro de su cabeza o su corazón que le decía algo? Bueno, yo he escuchado, y es por eso que pude escribir estos poemas espirituales inspirados dictados por Dios. Estos poemas no fueron escritos solo para consolarme durante mi tristeza, sino también para otros.

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